Sunday, November 29, 2009

Perfect Play Dough

There are a lot of play dough recipes online but this one we tried this weekend and it worked great.  I had never used oil in it before and I was pleasantly surprised with the results.  This recipe came from and I provided a link to their page below.

2 cups white flour
2 cups water (you can add about 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 teaspoons of food coloring or we used water coloring from Michael's craft store)
1 cup salt
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon cream of tarter

1. Combine all ingredients into a saucepan and cook on medium heat, while stirring constantly, until the mixture holds together which should take about five minutes.

2. Remove the pan from the heat and set it aside until the dough is cool enough to touch.  This should take about another 5 minutes.  Kneed the dough (this can be done on wax-paper) for about 2-3 minutes until it completely cool and has a play dough consistency.

3. When done playing, store in an air-tight container to keep the dough fresh for longer.

Family Fun's Perfect Play Dough Website

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