Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cookies as Crafts

This is one we actually did today with my kids and it was great because it gave me just enough time to load the dishwasher while they are making cookies.  Sometimes I will make the cookie dough from scratch but I'm not opposed to buying the pre-made dough, either.  My preference for this is sugar cookies because my kids like to eat the chocolate chips or other additives out of the cookie dough.  I will disinfect the table and the kids' hands by washing well.  Then we roll out wax paper while each spot is still wet from the washing (this helps the wax paper stick to the table well).

Give each child a ball of cookie dough (or many depending on how much you want them to have).  Let them make shapes.  You can guide their shape-making so if they are learning their letters you can have them make cookies in the shape of the letters of their name.  If they are working on geometry and shapes, have them make the shape you call out.  They can make their favorite animal or make a cookie with handprint in the middle.  Younger kids can use cookie cutters.

This is really fun for kids and they seem to really look forward to eating a particular cookie because of its shape.  It's also a pretty minimal mess because you just have to throw away the wax paper, wash hands (again), and clean the cookie trays.

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